God With Us



Christmas is a celebration of God’s response to a lost and lonely human race. He demonstrated His immense love for us through the gift of His Son – Emmanuel – which means ‘God with us’.

The Bible tells us that Jesus ‘became flesh and dwelt among us’ (John 1:14). He came to be with us, with the mission to make a way for us to live in relationship with God forever.

What a wonderful message for a world that shows the growing effects of loneliness. There is something within us that cries out for a sense of belonging. The shifts in modern society have caused us to be more isolated than ever, despite having so many ways to connect to each other. Loneliness, it seems, is at epidemic proportions.

This season gives the Church, and individuals alike, an incredible opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. As people gather to enjoy the festivities with family and friends, let’s spare a thought for those whose loneliness is amplified at this time of the year.

Mother Teresa put it so succinctly: ‘The problem with the world is that we draw our family circle too small’.  

As we celebrate the wonder of a God’s extravagant love, expressed in Emmanuel, may we seek to enlarge our circles. Let’s be people that look around us with the hope of finding those who are standing alone; and open wide our hearts and doors to those who need to know that they are loved by God and loved by us.

Wayne Alcorn

Pastor Wayne Alcorn was elected National President of the Australian Christian Churches in 2009. As an ACC pastor for over 37 years, he has held key leadership roles in the Movement, that include National Director for Youth Alive and Queensland / Northern Territory State President for 12 years. His first book ‘My Father’s Son’ was published in April 2023. Together with his wife Lyn, Wayne pastors the multi-campus Hope Centre church in the South-East corner of Queensland. They have two married sons, and five grandchildren.


Three Powerful Words


The Third Day